The Alberta Helping Every Local Paramedic (HELP) Fund is a pre-organized approach to manage funds geared towards giving practitioners and their families financial assistance in times of tragedy.
The HELP Fund is a non-profit child society of the Alberta Paramedic Association that was originally established as a pre-organized crowdsourced pass the hat type fund for families who fell victim of a Line of Duty Death (LODD). Today, in addition to LODD, the HELP Fund is rapidly becoming a funding source for practitioners with sudden critical illness/injury and organizations large or small, to access funding used for health and wellness initiatives.
How Your Donation Helps
Your donation is crucial to the success of the HELP Fund. Your donation will be used directly for:
- Practitioner health and wellness initiatives.
- To benefit a practitioner or their family in a time of tragedy.
- Assist with the cost of operating the Alberta HELP Fund.
Contact the HELP Fund
Would you like more information in regards to the Alberta HELP Fund? Do you know someone that is in need of the Alberta HELP Fund? What if you were thinking of volunteering!? Send us an e-mail today and we would love to help you out with your request!
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Brett Ryan
The Alberta Help Fund donated $1000.00 to Brett Ryan’s family after his tragic death on March 16, 2023.
Marc Moebis
The Alberta Help Fund donated $1000.00 to Marc Moebis’ family after his tragic death on October 12, 2021.
Cameron Griffiths
The Alberta Help Fund was activated and subsequently raised $5800 in relief funds when Cameron’s life was taken in a tragic motor vehicle accident while on his way to work at Bonnyville EMS.
Alberta Health Services EMS Peer Support Project
In January 2018, $500 was given to the Edmonton peer support team to sponsor their “The Other Side of the Hero” initiative which educated paramedics about PTSD and local support systems. Funds raised went back to the peer support team and Legacy Place.
Becky Burgess
The Alberta Help Fund donated $1000 toward a fundraiser for Becky who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The funds were used for an international trip in search of alternative treatment.
Chuck Neher
The Alberta Help Fund donated $1000 toward a fundraiser for an Edmonton zone paramedic who was seriously injured while off duty.
Ryan Bruce
The Alberta Help Fund was activated to provide relief funds for a Calgary paramedic who is critically ill after a toxic exposure while on a call. Nearly $10,000 was raised.
Deacon EMS Scholarship Fund
The Alberta Help Fund was used to support the Deacon EMS Scholarship Fund established in memorial of Doug Deacon. $1000 donated.
Psychologist registry
The Alberta Help Fund was used to support the construct of a registry of psychologists with a specialty in paramedic PTSD treatment. Read more.
Greg Turner
The Alberta Help Fund organized a fundraiser for Greg Turner after his tragic death on January 26th, 2015. Over $18,771.00 was raised for Greg’s widow Bridget and her two young children.
Mark Manns
The Alberta Help Fund raised $1000.00 for Mark Manns family after his tragic death on January 29th, 2014.