To the APA Membership and Paramedic Community 

The APA (Association) would like to announce that Dusty Myshrall, President of the APA, resigned his position effective September 20, 2022. We apologize for the late notice on this announcement.  

Dusty decided to leave his position within the Association to seek the United Conservative Party (UCP) nomination in Ponoka and Lacombe and believed these steps were necessary to avoid any perception of conflict of interest in pursuing this new opportunity. Dusty has been a strong advocate for paramedics in Alberta and has been an advocate of the Association and believed in the work it does. In his resignation Dusty stated that “My heart and passion will always be for the Association”. With the absence of Dusty, Len Stelmaschuk former Vice-President, has taken on the role of President. 

The Association wishes Dusty the best in this new opportunity as well as success in this endeavor.