Thank you for being a part of the Association.
It’s that time of year again to sign up for the Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 6, 2024.
There are so many things to talk about surrounding the future and a lot of information that you will want hear about that happened in the 2024 year. Your board members have put in long hours of volunteer work providing inputs that we have heard from you and have been ensuring your voice is being heard on a provincial level and national level.
This year’s AGM will include information directly from the Assistant Deputy Minister of the new Acute Care Division of Alberta Health that includes EMS. Members in attendance will be able to hear first hand the newest direction of the province and have an opportunity to ask questions, receive answers and provide contributions from your perspective on the status of our province.
But it doesn’t stop there. We will have the opportunity to hear from the Executive Director of the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction and gain information on the newly formed Recovery Alberta. Information will include learning on how the topic of mental health has been brought into main line focus in our province. It will also include how paramedics have been contributing, in a positive way, within this new space and where the future of paramedics may be heading in leading and integrating their skillsets in this area.
This is only the beginning. There is a lot more interesting information coming over the next few weeks about other speakers at our AGM, so stay tuned for the next update.
In the mean time, we want you to know that we take your feedback and your yearly registration dollars seriously. These past years, we heard you about the state of our website…so we invested. Check out our new website. Many volunteer hours went into its development and while some pages are still under construction, we believe you will be happy with the end result.
Additionally, and thanks to that new website, we’ve introduced an on-line registration process that involves acquiring a ticket. The AGM is our first event that we are going live with. This year, we are charging $5 per ticket but don’t panic! The reason we are doing this is because we are being good stewards of your money. At the AGM we will provide a light breakfast coffee breaks, and lunch. We want to know in advance how many people are coming so we can ensure we have ordered the right amount of food. When you show up on the day of the AGM…YOU WILL GET YOUR $5 BACK IN CASH! For those who sign up and don’t attend, the $5 will be used to offset the costs of the catering.
We would like to get our attendee numbers by December 1, 2024, so sign up and get your ticket.
In a paramedic world where it may seem like your voice does not matter, the Association is here to tell you that it truly does. We value your perspective and ideas.
More information to come. Sign up for the AGM!
Len Stelmaschuk
President, Alberta Paramedic Association