Code White: Managing the combative patient


Tickets no longer available – Check back soon for the next Code White workshop!


Who should attend
This workshop is intended for registered EMR’s, Paramedics, Nurses and Physicians who encounter with combative patients.

Lunch is served on-site and is included in the ticket price

June 22nd 2019
University of Alberta – Saville Centre
Edmonton, Ab

Speaker bio’s coming soon

Scroll down for more information
Contact the Association workshop coordinator Justin Stapley,

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More Information Coming Soon

Using a 3 stage approach, this workshop is designed to empower the practitioner to manage the agitated combative patient in a safe and effective way.

  • Physical restraint
  • Chemical restraint
  • Hand to hand self defense

Morning education

This will be an ‘escalating’ workshop beginning in the morning with physical followed by chemical restraint.

• Physical Restraint
Focusing on safety of the patient and paramedic, this portion will be taught by experts in the area of physical takedown and restraint. Utilizing stretchers and soft restraints, paramedics will exercise collaboration with law enforcement to safely takedown and apply physical restraints in line with best practices and evidence.
Sudden cardiac arrest post restraint will be covered in this portion

• Chemical Restraint
This portion will focus on safe use of sedatives. Focus will be on managing a patient in various states of sedation and appropriateness of RSI.

Afternoon education

The afternoon will be mostly physical self-defense focused on ‘adding space and time’ between the practitioner and the patient allowing an opportunity to escape the situation.

• For this portion the class will be broke up into groups, each with a group leader trained in hand to hand combat. One expert will oversee the entire group.