Award & Recognition Program

The Alberta Paramedic Association (the “APA”) awards and recognition program aims to recognize exceptional paramedic and paramedic supporter contributions to advancing paramedicine and/or the Association.

The awards conferred by the APA include both paramedic Awards of Excellence and special governmental awards of honours.

SECTION 1 – Alberta Paramedic Association Awards of Excellence

Awards of excellence conferred by the APA include;

Award Eligibility

All paramedics who are registered with the APA and APA supporters are eligible to be nominated for paramedic awards of excellence.

Nomination Period

Each year, the APA will accept paramedic award of excellence nominations until XXXX XX.
Nominations received after this date will be considered in the subsequent annual period.

Nomination Requirements

The nomination must highlight the special or exceptional quality that makes the nominee an eligible candidate to receive an APA award of excellence. The nominee’s paramedic contributions could benefit paramedic service organizations, paramedic training institutions, Canadian Forces units, or any form of regional, national, or international organization in so long as the contributions promotes the advancement of paramedicine and/or the Association.

Award of excellence nominations will include;

    • A completed nomination form, which is signed by the nominator.
    • ONE 500-word, paragraph style, description of why the nominee is worthy of consideration for the given award.
    • ONE (and up to three) letter of support from persons other than the nominator supporting the nomination, not to exceed 2 pages each.
    • Bullet point or text table (Up to 3 pages (OPTIONAL)) that outlines the nominee’s paramedic career milestones. Education, publications, and awards may be included to support the nomination. Some consideration is made for the nominee’s overall service record.

Award Consideration Process

  • The Awards and Recognition Committee will perform its work in keeping with the Board approved committee terms of reference.
  • The committee may consider other paramedic achievements and supporting information that could help to emphasize the significance of the individual’s contribution to paramedicine and/or Association.
  • The committee’s consideration will also include verifying the veracity of the nomination by validating submitted information with employers, regulators, or other members of the paramedic community.
  • The committee will decide and recommend award recipients to the APA Board.
  • One award in each category will be presented annually, provided that the committee and Board determine that nominations merit such recognition.
  • Awards may be presented at the APA annual general meeting or other special award ceremony.

Award Decision

The decision of the APA Board is final and binding. The committee will advise in writing award recipients and their nominators.

Withdrawal of Recognition

Upon becoming aware that an award recipient is subject of personal or professional misconduct, such that it negatively reflect upon the reputation of the profession, the reputation of the APA and/or discredits them from being an APA award of excellence recipient, the APA Board may convene a meeting to review the facts, meet with the award recipient and make a decision regarding the eligibility of the recipient to maintain their award status or rescind their award.

SECTION 2 – Governmental Awards

From time to time the APA may have the opportunity to award deserving paramedics governmental awards of honour. In such circumstances the following will apply.

Award Eligibility and Nomination

Award eligibility and nominations will be governed by the government award eligibility and nomination rules and criteria.

Award Consideration Process

The APA Award and Recognition Committee is responsible for ensuring adherence to governmental award rules, criteria, and requirements. The committee will also:

  • Perform its work in keeping with the Board approved committee terms of reference.
  • Verify the eligibility and veracity of the award nominations.
  • Decide and recommend the award recipient to the APA Board.
  • Manage all aspect of the award presentation ceremony such that it is befitting the honor granted by the Canadian Crown or the provincial government and ensure adherence to presentation rules and requirements.

Award Decision

The decision of the APA Board is final and binding. The committee will advise in writing award recipients, and if applicable their nominator of the result of nominations.

Award Presentation

The prestige and merit of governmental awards will be greatly enhanced through public presentations. The awards may be presented as part of the APA annual general meeting or at other special presentation ceremonies.

Withdrawal of Recognition

Upon becoming aware that an award recipient is subject of personal or professional misconduct, such that it negatively reflects upon the reputation of Canada, the province, the profession, the reputation of the APA and/or may potentially discredits them from being an award recipient, the APA Board may convene a meeting to review the fact and make a decision regarding reporting the information to the Canadian or Provincial office responsible for the award nomination and/or conferment.