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Message from the President

Thank you for being a part of the Association.   It’s that time of year again to sign up for the Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) on December 6, 2024.  There are so many things to talk about surrounding the future and a lot of information that you will want...

A Foolish Thought?

Why would someone say that these are exciting times for Paramedics? Some would say it seems like a foolishthought. Maybe this is the time that paramedics should reconsider the future?The profession of paramedicine has struggled on issues surrounding our knowledge,...

Financial Planning 101

Have you ever thought about where you’ll be 10, 20 or 30 years from now? Does it still involve pushing a stretcher? (Which is okay if that’s your plan because the profession will need dedicated people like you.) Or do your plans include something else?  The Alberta...