Committee work commences

Committee work in the backbone of any association, Strong committee work ensures that members receive access to great programs, continuing education credits, symposiums, scholarships, and other programs offered by the association.

One of the committees will be dedicated to the HELP fund HELP stands for Helping Every Local Paramedic. The goals of this fund will include financial assistance to members who qualify due to a financial crisis, or critical emergency. This committee will be responsible for creating the application, and approval process for members in need. Watch the website for more information, if you want to donate to this fund you can donate today, follow the link on the website and help a local practitioner.

The PR committee will be responsible for public relations policy, and creating public relations items such as radio campaigns, advertising campaigns, and such items as the committee see fit. It is our hope that the PR committee will enable to show Albertans what EMS is all about, and bring our profession together as practitioners.

The policy review committee will be responsible for creating and reviewing policy necessary for the operation of the association. Policy building must be strong and renewed on a regular basis so that any policies that are in need of updating or removal can be dealt with. Sometimes polices become ineffective, or out of date, the policy review committee will ensure that our policies are current, warranted and support our association model.

The Continuing Education Committee will ensure that the continuing education offered by the association is current and approved for credit through the Alberta College of Paramedics, and is an acceptable education for renewal each year. Working with the college the committee will ensure that CE credits offered are valued, researched, and weighted for credits for renewal each year. It is our hope that the committee will be able to eventually take over the role of con-ed from the college so the college can focus on regulatory matters. We would expect the college would continue to publish modules they feel necessary or extraneous research items or other items they feel important to the regulation of the profession.

The Awards committee is a committee that would be responsible for a yearly awards banquet and naming of new awards. Awarding the scholarships sponsored by the association will also be the responsibility of this committee. It is our hope also that as we grow and develop we will be able to offer many awards, and well-funded scholarships through this committee.

You can see that we have lofty goals and high expectations. If you are able and have a desire we would invite you to submit a resume, with your desire to volunteer with the association as a part of one or more of these committees. As a founding member, we hope that you are able to help us out in one of these committees. We would love to have you.

What membership will mean to you

With the launch of the Alberta Paramedic Association, we are at an exciting new chapter in Alberta EMS history. Although we are a young association we are a group of dedicated professionals, who feel that an association will bring Alberta EMS practitioners together, in a way that has not happened in this province in over 30 years.

The association is dedicated to “Four Pillars” of ems practice: Advocacy, Continuing Education, Research, and Public relations. With these four pillars as guiding principles, we will unite Alberta practitioners, and forge new relationships with stakeholders, industry, and allied healthcare providers. Eventually providing college approved continuing education courses, participating in research, advocating for practitioner interests, and large-scale public relations campaigns we hope that the time will come when the Alberta Paramedic Association will be recognized as a leader in Canadian EMS associations.

We have a very extensive five-year strategic plan, outlining goals, and measurable outcomes that we hope to attain in the coming years, the five-year plan can be seen on our website, please let us know what you think.

We have been operating under a generic set of bylaws provided by the Alberta Societies Act, but we have been building our own, specific bylaws that will be sent out for consultation to our members for ratification in early 2015. These draft bylaws are viewable on our website, and we welcome members’ views, and input so we can build a solid set of bylaws that work for our association and will take us into the future of this association.

Committees are in the process of being populated, and work will begin in 2015. If you are interested and would like to volunteer for committee work, please send your resume so that you can help begin the work in the association. Committees that have been created are public relations, HELP, continuing education, and the policy review committee. We need your help to get the committees working.

We are looking forward to getting the association to work, and serving all of Alberta’s dedicated practitioners.

Message from the President

I would like to start by thanking everyone that has joined us as a founding member over the past few months. We have been overwhelmed by the positive response from practitioners across not only Alberta but across Canada as well. As we grow and improve our service to Alberta practitioners, we will send out updates to our members. As I look through the list of names of our current members, I see practitioners with years of education and experience in the field. I see names of past and current employers, supervisors, and co-workers whom I have a vast amount of respect for. I am greatly humbled to be writing each of you and I feel the need to highlight that this association is being built to be run by practitioners like each and every one of you, not by me.

Under the Alberta societies act bylaws, we are required to hold an AGM and give members of the association the right to vote in every active administration member. My hope is that as we continue to represent paramedics in a professional and positive light that we can gain more memberships and those likeminded people will eventually be able to take the helm of the APA and continue to steer it towards success.

I’m sure many of you signed up to keep tabs on the association’s progress. The following list is what we have either been working towards or have already completed as of the New Year:

  • Finished the process of opening the bank accounts and setting up accounting under the incorporation.
  • Working to prepare a presentation to ACP at council chambers scheduled at the end of the month.
  • Started the process of reading through resumes and volunteer requests which have been submitted to us to volunteer on committees for public relations, education, awards, HELP fund, and policy review.
  • Working to get in contact with volunteers who have marketing backgrounds for use as consultants.
  • Finished our final copy of revised bylaws that will be submitted to the membership for review in the coming months.
  • Completed a five-year strategic plan, what will help guide us in our formative years as we build the association, the strategic plan will be posted on the website shortly.
  • Began work on pro-paramedic banner messages for walk bridges in both Calgary and Edmonton.
  • Completed design of the special edition serialized Alberta Paramedic Association challenge coin for founding members and the casting process has begun.

This is just a short list of the work that has been completed and some of the work that continues to go forward, I would like to once again thank those of you who have shown interest in committee work, and those of you who have become founding members, I look forward to many years of growth with the association.

As it stands, the current state of the Alberta Paramedic Association is very healthy. We have had a consistent stream of new founding memberships and volunteers. Our bank account has grown to roughly $8000 since our launch and our operating costs are still at zero. The hosting for the website and forum, the graphic design work and the time and commitment of the committee and board members has all been volunteered by supportive and proactive practitioners. I feel that the success of the APA up to this point is proof that a positive culture chance is currently happening in Alberta and I hope we can continue to look out for each other as practitioners and friends.

We would like to encourage you to e-mail us at if you have any further questions for us or you would like to volunteer your time or money with the APA.

Andre Devore