Financial Planning 101

Have you ever thought about where you’ll be 10, 20 or 30 years from now? Does it still involve pushing a stretcher? (Which is okay if that’s your plan because the profession will need dedicated people like you.) Or do your plans include something else?  The Alberta...

<strong>Helping Every Local Paramedic (HELP) Fund  </strong>

The HELP Fund was originally established by the Alberta Paramedic Association (Association) as a pre-organized crowdsourced, pass the hat type fund for families who fell victim of a Line of Duty Death (LODD).  In its original design, one of our past executive members,...
Association President

Association President

To the APA Membership and Paramedic Community  The APA (Association) would like to announce that Dusty Myshrall, President of the APA, resigned his position effective September 20, 2022. We apologize for the late notice on this announcement.   Dusty decided...