Podcast Episodes

The formatting, hosting, software and editing of this podcast are all in their infancy, be patient while we figure this all out and enjoy the content in the meantime!

Episode 6

Having a complaint filed against you at the College of Paramedics can be a terrifying experience. In this episode, Marc walks through the complaint, investigation, tribunal and resolution process with College Registrar, Tim Ford and Complaints & conduct Director, Jenn Kirk.

Episode 5

Clinton Marquardt is Canada’s top sleep and fatigue specialist. Listen as he and Marc talk everything from shift patterns, how to get a better nights sleep, the dangers of sleep deprivation, sleep inertia, napping and so much more!!

Episode 4

It’s voting time!
In episode 4 Marc chats with College candidate Carl Damour about everything from fitness to practice, scope of practice, education standards and why the once ultra-progressive Alberta profession is becoming frozen in time. Have a listen… then go vote!!

***Video Expired***

Episode 3

Dr. Megan McElheran is a Registered Psychologist who specializes in paramedics, military and first responders.  Today she speaks about the family dynamic in regards to stress, Paramedics and PTSD.   This is a great podcast to listen to with your family, partner and kids or send them the link for them to take a listen to!

WGM Psychology: https://wgmpsych.com/
Before Occupational Stress Program: BOS

Episode 2

In this episode Psychologist Jeff Sych, Alberta Critical Incident Provincial Network clinical director, CISM expert, educator and researcher discusses the stress paramedics are facing in the pandemic and some tips to maintain a healthy mindset.

Alberta Critical Incident Provincial Network found at abcism.ca
CIPSRT self Assessment TOOL
24/7/365 Peer Support 1-833-894-2476

Episode 1

Hear how the Association is preparing the profession for the growing pandemic.

  • This podcast represents the opinions of the speaker and their guests to the show.  The content here should not be taken as medical advice.  This content is for informational purposes only.
  • In no way does listening, reading, emailing or interacting on social media with our content establish a Paramedic-patient relationship.
  • Views and opinions expressed in the podcast are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, paramedics should not change their practice based on any information gained from this podcast.
  • Privacy is of the utmost importance to us. All people, places, and scenarios mentioned in the podcast have been changed to protect patient confidentiality.
  • This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing a “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony.  No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website.

COVID-19: Letter to the Government of Alberta

The Alberta Paramedic Association is here for you. We realize that in Healthcare today you have been faced with unprecedented responsibility during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Due to COVID-19, you as a Paramedic may have been asked to perform new duties including but not limited to “treating and referring” patients.

Due to this request, the Alberta Paramedic Association has requested Dr. Deena Hinshaw with The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Government of Alberta to provide further directives pertaining to treating and referring patients who are suspected to have COVID-19 who are in our care regardless of your practice setting.

We value each of you for stepping up to the challenge and helping keep Albertans safe in times when resources are stressed. You are the difference we want to see in our profession and we want to keep you informed as quickly as possible.

Stay Safe and thank you for your service.

For further information about COVID-19, please visit our page dedicated to specific information surrounding it.

Request to the Ministers: Exhausted Paramedic’s pleas fall on deaf ears

The Alberta Paramedic Association (the Association) has been working behind the scenes on the issue of Core-Flex and its elimination across the province. The Association sent out two letters on March 13, 2019 to Minister Gray and Minister Hoffman urging them not to issue any variances to hours of work after our research revealed significant paramedic health and wellness implications. We asked the ministers to consult the Association prior to making any exceptions to the updated safer work legislation that applies to all other health professions. We have not received a response to date and sadly we were recently made aware of a Ministerial Variance signed by Minister Gray, authorising the continued use of the core/flex model that empirically risks Paramedics health and wellness.

This variance allows for an exemption from the current employment legislation. Some of the wording is not clear to us at this time. Our attention however, focuses on section 43.86(3)(c)(i),(ii) of the Employment Standards Regulation (regulation). The regulation identifies a requirement to consult with either the representative bargaining unit or employees when applications for variances are made to the Minister. This would indicate that either the  bargaining unit or individuals were consulted in this process. We have yet to be in contact with a single core/flex practicing paramedic that was included in the consultation process.

The Association will continue to lobby hard to resolve this risk and move forward a culture of Paramedic health and wellness.

It is important for you to be informed. Please read the attached letters and see the signed variance by Minister Gray. If you wish, offer your comments on Twitter or Facebook. If you feel that this may be something of value related to election issues, post something within the April 16, 2019 Election section on our website home page. As part of our consultation, we’d like to know what matters to you.

What Paramedics are saying:

“I just can’t believe it’s 2019 and we are still scheduled to work 96 hours with no rest period. How is this not illegal?” – Marc

“It is impossible to raise a baby and work 96 hours straight (core/flex). I want to have kids but I know that means ending my career. I shouldn’t have to lose my job because I want to be a mom” – Abby

“I have seen first hand how the extra 8 minute response time used in the core/flex shift can effect patient outcome” – Ashley

“I actually watched my partner nod off right in front of a patient. He didn’t even realize it happened. We had been awake for 25 hours” – Chris

“I could write a book about the dangers of core/flex. Trying to do drug calculations when i’ve been awake 15, 18, 20… sometimes 30 hours is disastrous. I don’t know how much longer I can go on” – Tammy

“I absolutely HATE having to shut down my communities only ambulance beacuse I have worked all day and night with no sleep. I have family that lives here too.” – Nicole

“We all know it has an impact on patient care. Our patients deserve us well rested and ready to go” – Kelly

“Core/flex is a joke. This should be a hard stand by every {Paramedic} to stop it” – Richard

Professional Fatigue Project: Call to Action (Part 2), The College of Paramedics Responds

Thursday, November 29th, the Alberta Paramedic Association released part one of an impact study investigating the effect of extended on-call shifts on the health and wellness of the paramedic.

During that research, there were major risks to the public identified. Public protection is the role of the Alberta College of Paramedics, therefore we provided the college with the urgent public risk findings on the very same day. The Alberta College of Paramedics has provided a response to the Association that we want to share with you.

In the letter from College President, council identifies “As the regulator, our jurisdiction is over practitioners and their conduct when providing care…” However she later goes on to state; “… the College is unable to intervene in matters of workplace conditions.”

This is an unacceptable position for the College to take on a serious public risk. “Without proper regulation, paramedicine will unfortunatly experience a fatigue driven tragedy” Association President Dusty Myshrall writes, “Don’t wait for a fatality to happen”.

The letters can be viewed below