The psychologists listed below have been validated within the psychology community and are recognized for their expertise in trauma and PTSD management. Furthermore, these psychologists have taken education provided by the Alberta Paramedic Association specific to paramedic culture and work environment.
They understand not only the traumatizing calls practitioners attend, but also the various aspects of the paramedic profession and culture that relate to our mental well-being.
If you have recently attended the “Between Emergencies – A look at mental health in EMS” presentation and you would like to apply to be a recognized service provider on the registry, please send your CV/resume to info@albertaparamedics.ca after becoming a associate member with the Alberta Paramedic Association (found in our store). Allow 2-4 weeks for vetting.
Dr. Megan McElheran, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-403-850-6711
Website: http://www.wgmpsych.com/
Ainsley Elliott, MA. R.Psych
Telephone: 1-587-774-3132
Glow Psychological Services Inc.
Email: glowpsychology.com
Dr. Meredith Evans, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-800-9658
Email: Evans.Meredith@gmail.com
Dr. Kim Buchanan, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-800-9629
Email: kbpsychology@gmail.com
Dr. Gary Meiers, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-433-2269
Email: psychrec@gmail.com
Colleen Hammermaster, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-989-3400
Email: chammermaster@shaw.ca
Dr. Sally Anne MacLean, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-735-7999 ext 5227
Email: sally.maclean@albertahealthservices.ca
Laura Clark, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-430-4769
Email: l.clark@kellscounselling.ca
Lauren Appleby, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-430-4769
Email: lappleby@kellscounselling.ca
Stephanie Laue, R.Psych
Strathcona Psychology and Wellness
8612-104 St Edmonton, Alberta T6E 4G5
(587) 602-0961
Kara Gushuliak, M.Sc R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-430-4769
Email: kgushuliak@kellscounselling.ca
Everett J. Vroon, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-424-0123
Website: http://www.chvbv.ca/
Dr. Jake Tremblay, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-907-4487
Website: http://www.mindspringpsych.com/
Email: jake@mindspringpsych.com
Dr. Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-433-2269
Email: psychrec@gmail.com
Karin Lord, M.Sc. R.Psych
Telephone: 1-587-400-0302
Website: http://www.fireflycounselling.ca/
Devanth Sawh, R.Psych
Telephone: 780-760-PSYC (7792)
Janet Ryan-Newell, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-430-4769
Email: j.ryan@familysolutionsgroup.ca
Dr. Kelli Palfy, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-705-4990
Email: kellipalfypsychology@gmail.com
Dr. Janice Dicks, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-936-0081
Website: www.yeg-psychology.com
Michelle Hamilton, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-808-1593
Website: www.beyond-balance.com/
Nadia Pirbhai R.Psych
Telephone: 403-399-3215
Email: nadiap@wayfound.ca
Dr. Stephen Rochefort, R.Psych
Telephone: 403-986-1044
Website: www.viepsychology.com/
Marc A. Roy, R.Psych
Cirrus Psychology Services
Email: marc@cirruspsychology.com
Benton Schultz, R.Psych
Telephone: 403-307-0473
Email: bentondschultz@gmail.com
Dr. Jennie Ward, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-800-1593
Website: www.drjennieward.com/
Carolyn Donnelly, R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-460-1113
Website: www.cdonnellypsychologist.ca/
Dr. Carley Christianson R.Psych
Telephone: 1- 780-977-4016
Website: christiansoncounselling.com
Bailey Puchyr-chartier, MC R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-660-6050
Email: bailey.puchyrchartier@gmail.com
Debra A Jackson, MA R.Psych
Telephone: 1-780-614-1622
Email: Debra.Jackson.Psychological@outlook.com